I've been neglecting my little blog D: hehe april fool's day was fun! Fooled quite alot of people. A real fool! Played pranks on people. But her prank was so immature and lame. Very lame. She thought it was funny -.- well its not at all funny! Its ridiculous! But i love KITYU'S prank. It was hilariousss and FIERCE! I love it <3
Just swam with SAMANTHA AND KIT YU BABE! pictures will be posted tomorrow :)
We dived alot :) hehe and we fed each other chickens cause we had bbq there! cool !!
Anyway, she is super plastic. I don't know why but everyone has changed. Even timothy wong. He has been annoying me and is giving attitude to me. WTH?! 1c1 has changed. It used to be so nice but now all like.. bochup.. even me! omg
And another thing is she has the same FRINGE as me! omg! and I was the pinkiest girl in class ( just in case you do not understand PINKIEST in class, i have pink bag, wallet,phone,ipod,ipod silcon,ipod pouch,shoes,file,earpiece etc etc ) and after coming back from overseas, she is almost as pink as me!
why do my class have such girl?! PLus another girl IS that she is trying to make me jealous. Fat hope.
I hope that this could be my diary . But than just wanna tell you that i DO NOT hate them nor dislikes them